in Vow Renewals

Often a wedding ceremony blends a new family. Grooms instantly become fathers–and bride’s become mothers. Sometimes the new family includes children from both sides.

It’s a wonderful idea to include your children in your ceremony. There are so many ways to do it. Including a child makes them feel a part of the new family, welcomed and valuable.

You may want to do a Candle Ceremony that includes a candle for the child. Or a Sand Ceremony in which the children each have their own vessel of colored sand to add to the blended sand vessel.

Or you and your Beloved may choose to say a few words to the child. You can write your own vows to your new step-daughter or son. Make a promise to be a good and loving parent.

Alternatively, after you and your spouse exchange rings, you can present the child with a locket or bracelet symbolizing their role in your new family.

Any or all of the above are wonderful ways of recognizing, including, welcoming and celebrating the presence of the child in your family.