in Venues Blog Posts

bride and groom take a moment in the middle of red rock crossingThis lovely bride is enjoying the moments after her Sedona wedding by getting “in the flow” — standing on a red rock in the middle of Oak Creek.  You may want to tap into this same energy by choosing Red Rock Crossing as your Sedona wedding venue.

The Red Rock Crossing of Oak Creek is indeed a very powerful site.  Overlooking the ceremony is Cathedral Rock, known as the most feminine vortex.  Cathedral Rock provides a calming energy — great for soothing those weddings jitters!

It is also considered an “incoming energy” connection — a place to open up to receive what you invite into your life.  What a wonderful energy for beginning a new married life…

And under this towering rock is the energy of the creek itself.  It is said that when you face down stream, you release all your cares and worries, suffering and pain.  And when you turn and face upstream, as our bride is doing, you fill yourself up with Grace and Love and Peace and Joy — opening yourself to the gifts of the universe.

If you choose Red Rock Crossing as your wedding destination site, you may want to pad in some extra time after your ceremony to stay and connect with the energy — to dip your toes in the water, and set your marriage intentions together.

And who knows who may join you. We have had ducks, butterflies, hummingbirds… even a young eagle… fly by.

And our Sedona wedding photographers love this location– especially as the day draws to a close and Cathedral Rock becomes lit by the setting sun.

Red Rock Crossing is one of our Top 5 Red Rock Sedona Wedding Sites–find out what the other ones are!